Open Letter to Teachers Everywhere

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 It takes a special kind of human being to be a teacher. If you asked me, I would say that yours is the noblest of profession—though no one would not be able to tell from the meager remuneration you get for your efforts.

   It might take a few decades for us to see any fruits from what you will instill in our children’s minds today, but you must keep on passing down to them all the state-mandated information that could, perhaps, help them get a job tomorrow. Not only that, but you must also demonstrate—both by the examples of others as well as your own—basic principles about what it means to be a good human being (Thankfully, principles do not change with the times!) This is so that in the future, if our children “get lucky” and do land that job, it could, perhaps, be a job that is focused on building instead of destroying, accepting instead of rejecting, including instead of ostracizing.

   It is during times like the ones we are now living in, times of uncertainty as to what direction those in charge of running the nation are steering us toward, that we must remain steadfast; it is in times like these that you must remember the reason you became a teacher in the first place. You did not do it so that you could enjoy three months of paid vacation. Right?

   Now, more than ever, is the time for you to really put your heart into what you do, and for you to decide what it was that our forefathers intended when they wrote our Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. Did they intend to exclude or to include? What did they mean by “liberty and justice for all?”

   Kids nowadays do not spend much time with their parents. They are spending more and more of their free time every day watching television or staring at the screen of their smartphones—thereby decreasing their own intelligence. The one place where we can still command some of our children’s attention; the one place where they can still be influenced, or “inseminated,” if you will, with unbiased (one hopes) knowledge of what is good or bad—sadly, there is no middle ground—is at school.

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